Welcome to the QRISK®3 risk calculator
This site calculates a person's risk of developing a heart attack or stroke over the next 10 years, producing the score described in this academic paper:
It presents the average risk of people with the same risk factors as those entered for that person.
The algorithm has been developed by doctors and academics working in the UK National Health Service and is based on routinely collected data from many thousands of GPs across the country who have freely contributed data to the QResearch database for medical research.
It has been developed for the UK population, and is intended for use in the UK. All medical decisions need to be taken by a patient in consultation with their doctor. The authors and the sponsors accept no responsibility for clinical use or misuse of this score.
Has QRISK®3 been validated?
Yes. Validatation of the underlying algorithm is described in the academic paper linked above. The software used to create this site has been tested using millions of randomly generated patient data (that is, simulated, not real data). Scores on this data match those generated by the statistical software used in the validation of the algorithm described in the academic paper.